Friday, July 31, 2009

Some pics and some catch up news

Starting with some Catch up news...

Sorry that I have not been posting for a while... over the July 4th week my family took a vacation to Gatlinburg and my daughter had to have Emergency Surgery. This has been our focus since then... getting her well again and back to normal. She is doing very well and although she is still healing... she is almost back to normal! YES!!!!!

I have been stitching models for a cross stitch shop for a little while now... but with the economy being what it is and sales being down... the shop models are put on hold for a bit. So I am focussing on some of the things I want to stitch.

Just this past weekend my best friend, my daughter and myself went to Louisville KY for a weekend trip. What a Blast and tons of excitement! There was a Storm on Saturday late in the evening and all of the electricity in the hotel went out.... It was a Beautiful place and a lot of the visitors came out into the atrium and sat and just talked... It was all good and loads of fun. Even though with the lights out for a while I lost some stitch time!!! :)

I bought each of us a little sheep Ty Beenie from Mcdonalds... and our little get away rememberance They made GREAT pin cushions... and we decided to take pics of them all over... My daughters is not in these pics ... she left hers at home... and wants to dye him black so that he is the black sheep of the bunch!!!! Here is a pic of my little Sheepie with my Mary project!!!!!

This is a pic of out sheepies in front of the fountain in the atrium.

This is a pic of where we were stitching on the last day... it was a WONDERFUL place to stay! Everyone was so friendly and customer service was the best I had seen in a long time!

This is a pic of the atriun and out floor is just above the tree... it was such a wonderful place!
On Saturday....
We visited a Lovely little Shop where the women were soooooo helpful... WOW awesome customer service ... how refreshing!!! You girls should go and check them out either online or if you are in the area... It is a Cute little place... and they really make you feel at home!

These are pics of the goodies that I bought... the best part is that most of the top charts were bought on the sidewalk sale she was having for 50 cents... That is Right... 50 cents WOWOWOWOW!!!!! I was a happy camper!

This is 2 New Charts that I had to treat myself too... I love them BOTH!!!!!

I will let my sheepie close this post out with a pic of my Mary Progress... I am back to stitching on this now since I am stitching my personal things now!
I will try to keep everyone posted as much as possible!
Take care!