Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Little Help From Our Friends Stitching Circle

The first kit... And wow it is amazing.  It includes the linen... Flosses... Needles... A bit of a printed backstory... And these AMAZING pins.  I am not much for pins... But these are sooooo pretty... I just love them.  The fabric is weeks dye works 32 ct Parchment and Straw.  Mill hill beads... GAST fibers.. I can't wait to start this one. 
look at the close up of the pins... Omg... They are amazing!!!!
Thank you again for stopping to look ... Have a great day... And keep crossing those stitches. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Hello all... I wanted to post some updates...

The arm... Well now the surgeon is telling me that it is the back tendon that needs repair.  I was given a cortisone shot last week and am to see him in 3 weeks if this has not resolved the pain and immobility... Then the surgery for the release of this tendon is going to happen.  I am moving more but still in a lot of pain... I am trying to do more projects he said this will help strengthen my arm more.  My stitches don't look the best but it feels soooo good to stitch even if just on small things. 

Stitching updates... Finishes
This first one is a Fern Ridge collection fob.  It is peyote beading and is a challenge to get started... But once started it is a blast to do.  I stayed up late one night and made this for my daughter Meghan... No photo we took actually does it justice.   Then I went on a hunt for an octopus to add to it... My daughter loves them and I wanted to make it special and different... So I needed to add this to her piece.  

These are my prairie schooler Halloween smalls hopefully I will get them finished soon and they can rest on my Halloween tree this season!  These were each on scraps of fabric... And were all small freebie cards... They are as usual easy but FUN stitches.  

Saturday my bestie and I went to our local cross stitch shop Keepsakes in Cincinnati OH... This just had to come home with me... The stitching went fast and was finished in one night... It is adorable too... And now finishing it into the fob is all that is left... I just love the colors used in it.  I can't wait to add the beads... Oh so much fun... I may try to make one for my dd too... I know she would love it.  

Now... to show you one of the kits I bought... This is even more adorable in person... This little sheep tray is the cutest darn thing... The creator is amazing... And it is made sooo well.  The kit is amazing... And I hope to seen be started on this piece. show you today I started Plum Street samplers complimentary design called Brew haha.  Omg... As usual Paula's designs NEVER disappoint me... I love all her designs... And this one is just the same... I am having so much fun stitching... I started it with a big cup of coffee this morning and here I am still stitching on it... Love it! 
Thank you for stopping by to read my post... And see my stitch goodies.. Have a great week... And keep crossing those stitches.