Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A finish!!!

Happy dance! 

                                                      Lizzie ⭐️Kate
                                                    I can drive a stick
                                                32 ct.   Burnt Papyrus 
                                                 Sugar Maple Fabrics

This was a fast stitch.  I have stitched this with Primitive Black  by HDF silks.   I love this chart... It is adorable.  

Thank you for stopping by... Keep crossing those stitches...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Little Help From Our Friends Stitching Circle

The first kit... And wow it is amazing.  It includes the linen... Flosses... Needles... A bit of a printed backstory... And these AMAZING pins.  I am not much for pins... But these are sooooo pretty... I just love them.  The fabric is weeks dye works 32 ct Parchment and Straw.  Mill hill beads... GAST fibers.. I can't wait to start this one. 
look at the close up of the pins... Omg... They are amazing!!!!
Thank you again for stopping to look ... Have a great day... And keep crossing those stitches. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Hello all... I wanted to post some updates...

The arm... Well now the surgeon is telling me that it is the back tendon that needs repair.  I was given a cortisone shot last week and am to see him in 3 weeks if this has not resolved the pain and immobility... Then the surgery for the release of this tendon is going to happen.  I am moving more but still in a lot of pain... I am trying to do more projects he said this will help strengthen my arm more.  My stitches don't look the best but it feels soooo good to stitch even if just on small things. 

Stitching updates... Finishes
This first one is a Fern Ridge collection fob.  It is peyote beading and is a challenge to get started... But once started it is a blast to do.  I stayed up late one night and made this for my daughter Meghan... No photo we took actually does it justice.   Then I went on a hunt for an octopus to add to it... My daughter loves them and I wanted to make it special and different... So I needed to add this to her piece.  

These are my prairie schooler Halloween smalls hopefully I will get them finished soon and they can rest on my Halloween tree this season!  These were each on scraps of fabric... And were all small freebie cards... They are as usual easy but FUN stitches.  

Saturday my bestie and I went to our local cross stitch shop Keepsakes in Cincinnati OH... This just had to come home with me... The stitching went fast and was finished in one night... It is adorable too... And now finishing it into the fob is all that is left... I just love the colors used in it.  I can't wait to add the beads... Oh so much fun... I may try to make one for my dd too... I know she would love it.  

Now... to show you one of the kits I bought... This is even more adorable in person... This little sheep tray is the cutest darn thing... The creator is amazing... And it is made sooo well.  The kit is amazing... And I hope to seen be started on this piece. show you today I started Plum Street samplers complimentary design called Brew haha.  Omg... As usual Paula's designs NEVER disappoint me... I love all her designs... And this one is just the same... I am having so much fun stitching... I started it with a big cup of coffee this morning and here I am still stitching on it... Love it! 
Thank you for stopping by to read my post... And see my stitch goodies.. Have a great week... And keep crossing those stitches.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

An awesome give away...victorian motto sampler shoppe

Check it out ...the colors scream all that makes up fall... You can almost smell the pumpkin spiced latte brewing!!!!! 

Update on arm...
I am looking at ANOTHER surgery... I go August 25th for an EMG on my arm... The September 3rd I meet with the surgeon... And as long as no nerve damage... I will be setting up a second surgery... I am so upset... But am also sooo hopeful that this will correct the arm issue.   PLEASE Keep on praying .  

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Still not able to stitch

I would LOVE to have update pics to show... But i am STILL not stitching.  I attempted to stitch this week first night input 7 counted them ... 7 stitches in a piece an ornament.  OMG... i felt my brain and body relax.  Soo the next evening after dinner i sat to stitch... I stitched for 10 minutes solid.  Oh boy i was in TROUBLE.  My arm was hurting... And swelled like. Crazy... I could barely move it for the pIn.  Then the pressure started in my mid arm... I was sooo frustrated... And almost ready to cry. I am so tired of it hurting.  I want to stitch... And allow mind to work... My brain needs to be busy.  
I am ready blogs and seeing so many neat things... And possible future projects for me to do. 
Take care all.  Hope life send you each MANY blessings.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Looking for a chart... And advice.

Hello all.. Not as if i am even stitching... But i am in LOVE with this chart... and am struggling with shops being able to get it.  One person has told me is was a SAL from a few years back that i will have to buy used.  I have been searching EBAY high and low for this and a few BOAF charts and have had absolutely NO LUCK. 

Does anyone out there have a used sal copy they are selling that i may be able to buy?  I just love this mermaid.  I have never stitched a chart by this designer and know nothing about them... How are the charts and designs to stitch?  I am silly to even be looking when i can not stitch for several weeks yet... But i just fell in love with this when i saw it.

Thank you for looking for me. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Just an update..not able to stitch

Wednesday April 29th i had the surgery on my elbow. It was for tennis elbow that i have been treating for near 2 years now.    I have since found out that the surgery was way more involved.  The surgeons have told me that the tendon was near torn off.  They went in for a tendon release... Ended doing a tendon re structure surgery.  The have cleaned and cleared the elbow... And stretched the tendon and tacked it to the back of my elbow... All I can say is...OUCH!!!!!  This has been the most painful surgery I have ever had.  They are telling me that I am going to be taking more time to heal... But they will have to see how therapy goes.   I am scared to do much with it... I am afraid that it will be hurt.  I have no grip and I have to still think hard to get my fingers to move and my hand to grip and release.  It is almost scared.  The pain is the worse part... Omg... It is extreme. I was told it was painful.... But did not imagine this.  

This is almost one week from surgery... As the huge bandage/splint came off.  I had a terrible time with swelling so the wraps came off a few days early. 
Right before surgery I was on Ebay and won this little cutie... I am hoping to fix it up with a special pin cushion and load my stitch goodies into it... I have wanted one for so long and this allowed me to get one... I can not wait to get the elbow healed and start using my new toy!  
I am going to end my post with a proud mom moment... 
This is my 2 babies... They ran in the 5k race that was part of the events for The Flying Pig here locally. This was my daughters first... And my sons 2nd race... But the more important part of this is that they did this TOGETHER!  They motivated each other and finished this race together!!!  
My daughter at the last minute threw together pink tutu's for them to wear... We are going to add to them and make them even fuller for the next race.  
Way to go guys!!! I am so proud of you!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Today's progress

Just a fast note .. Not much was done today but wanted to post to show. 
Thank you for looking.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Halloween Fairy

Just a short post to show progress.. It has been a terrible day with the arm...  So i am not getting as far as i would like...  But i am LOVING the way it is turning out.  Oh i had hoped to get this finished before my surgery... But it is one week away.. I doubt i will finish her. I will continue to try though! 😊

Pay close attention to the hands in the above pic... Playedoh under the nails and all... This is the adorable hands of my sweet lil grand baby.   She is 3 1/2 years old.   She climbed into my chair with me and as the needle came thru the fabric... She would grab and pull... And giggle and say that is fun!!!!  
My dd said it brought a tear to her eyes to watch... A early start to our lil stitcher.
Have a great day and keep crossing those stitches.  

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Lion King

Last year my dd gave me tickets for me and her to go to see The Lion King when it came to Cincinnati.  We went on Opening night... This was the best performance i have ever seen.. It was magical... It was breath taking and it was so emotional for me.    In the opening and the circle of life formed and the larger animals assembled onto the stage thru the audience... Tears formed and i was near a full cry it was just amazing.  I would gladly go again and again... To see this show.  Amazing voices ... Humor well played... I just had the very best time. Some of the pics u may have to click to open... For some reason they are not auto correcting like they usually do. 

For opening night the local Zoo had animals from Africa to show us and they had them walking around with us.... Wow it was fun. 
This lil girl was amazingly friendly... I wanted to take her home with me.  
You can never go wrong witb an owl.. This one was a lil spazzy... But wow those eyes.  
This was such a special thing to do for opening night.  We just had a blast. 
Thank you Meghan for taking me out of life's troubles  for such a nice evening.  What a great birthday gift.  Tha k you baby girl! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

A long time for a post.... Update

I dont even know where to begin ... The night of Super Bowl the DH watched the game and felt odd... He was sick from around 11 and by 6 am we were headed to the ER.  Around 1 that day a dr came into our room to tell us he had a blockage in his intestines where the small and large connect.  They had also found a suspicious places in the CT scan on his liver.   They had suspected cancer.   By 7 pm he was in surgery had a bowl resection and a liver biopsy.  The surgeon stated that it was cancerous as far as she could see.  Two days later her knowledge was confirmed... He has a carcinoid cancer that has metastasized to his liver.  We now have been to Columbus Oh at the James Cancer research center to see a Carcinoid cancer specialist.  It is a slow moving cancer but is not curable.  We have to see what pace this cancer is at so the tests have started.  Wow... Over night... And with no warning life changes.  I stay scared these day... Fear of what they will find that has not been detected yet... Fear of what it will mean for us.  Fear of losing more than i am ready to lose.

On top of this.. I have been out of work since December 23rd.  I had a procedure PRP done on my right elbow.  This is done for Tennis Elbow.  I have been suffering from this for around 2 years now AND have  been told that my daily dose of CONSTANT Key punch at work has damaged my elbow.  The MRI completed a few weeks back shows a piece of my tendon hanging down and laying in the back side of my elbow...  I have been told this is a workers comp issue but is hard to get the treatment i need if i go the route of workers comp so i just went with it on my own.  But something must have gone wrong in this procedure... My arm became worse and has not healed.  I am now set for surgery on my elbow for April 29th.  Crazy huh... With the pain in that elbow there has not been a lot of finishes.  Stitching hurts.  I have been able to train myself to keep my elbow tucked to my side and to watch for a certain feeling of pain... That is my stopping point.  So i am not getting very far with any of my projects.  And there has been no finish work at all.  Once i am healed i want to have a finishing weekend and just clear out my container of finished work.   I have several i need framed too... But with no money coming in for that... It will have to wait.  For now. 

So i dont know how much i will be posting.. I am still looking and reading and keeping up with the amazing finishes posted each day..  But life has just imploded around me for right now. 

There has not been the extra cash flow with being off for this length of time to purchase all the new goodies that were released at Market.   Although my wish list grows as i look around.  I have stopped looking for fear of what i   may find that i just can not purchase right now.  Saved for another day.   Hopefully once my arm heals .. I will still have a job and can afford to get some new stash.  I worry about my job with all of this...but it is a matter of what path God has planned for me.  I am just riding on the coat tails and hoping the ride is a long and steady one.  

Any and all prayers for me and the DH are welcomed, and GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you... Thank you. 

Finishes:  BOAF Cold as a Lizzard..this is stitched with the dmc floses called for and on a mystery cut of fabric that i bought at the Keepsake retreat in January.  

The next one i have shown the in process pics before it is on fun fabric.  It was an extra charts from Lizzie Kate Mystery from a few years back... It is very cute stitched.  I 
Really like both of them.  I believe i showed the other one i. Previous post. 
This is PSS turkey sausage... Ohhhhhhh i sooooooo want the new release of the bunny sausage dogs.  So bad. This is fun and looks amazing. 
This is my in process project now... It is Nora Corbett Halloween Fairy and is stitched on PTP Carnaval fabric with dmc and metalics that are called for.  I had this chart ready to stitch for a bit... It was in my Sept 2008 Cross stitch & needlework magazine.  I love the way she is looking. 
Another finish.....
BOAF cute as a bug
Again DMC floss on a mystery cut
These both were so fun... I have several others kitted up to stitch but am missing the lamb and heard there was a bat too... Has anyone seen the Bat? 

That is going to be it for today and with my arm it has taken me every bit of 2 days just to get the words on this page.  Please keep posting and i will try as often as i can.  I will try to post before April 29th the surgery.  
Keep crossing those stitches...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Finish... and a new start.

Happy Saturday! 
I will start off showing a new start.  
We went to a retreat last week with our local shop... i found 3 cuts of fabric for the cubes that i am making out of the small charts from the Lizzi☆Kate Mystery Sampler club chart.  They are such fantastic colors.  
The new start is for the HAUNTED small....i am stitching it on 32 count Relic with Weeks dye works Kohl floss.  
Then this is my finish... it is the SCAREY small chart from that same Mystery Sampler Club charts.  
This is stitched on 32 count linen and the color is SWAMP ... isnt that just so perfect... like a scooby doo movie.. Swamp!    I love it.  It is stitched with Weeks Dye Works ... Kohl floss. 
This is a major accomplishment for me with the elbow... i am tryi g to stitch to get that tendon moving but the stitching is slow going. 
Have a great Saturday.  
Enjoy your stitch time. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hinzeit charts

My daughter scraps from mom is looking for a series of charts.  She is wanting charts only and I believe she is wanting to see if someone would have them used for sale.  She is starting to get on a roll with cross stitch.  She just completed her LPN degree and starts back to school in the fall for her RN/BSN degree.   She was trying to get these started and kitted before she goes back to classes and clinicals again!   If anyone has these and are done with them... And would like to sell them....  Please let either of us know...

Thank you for looking for these for us... and for helping us with this. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mail brings a new chart... and a stitch update

The mail today brought this chart for me... i broke down and ordered it straight from Scarlet Letter's site.  I just can not wait to kit this and get started on it.  
Update on the PSS Turkey Sausage
This is starting to come together... and i am loving how it looks.  I love the colors and i think we chose a perfect down by the sea fabric.  I just love this piece.  Even with my arm still healing... i am making some progress.  
Thank you for stopping by to see what i am working on. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

PSS - Turkey Sausage progress

I am moving so slow... i am using this as a type of therapy.  My dr has told me to use my last fingers 3 fingers on that arm a little more and more each day to try to strengthen that tendon.. but when it starts to burn too much to stop.  So... i am trying to stitch and use those fingers.  It is going slow but at least i am working on it.   Hopefully i can finish this while i am off work.  Just wanted to update you. 

Thank you for looking. 

Plum street samplers
Turkey Sausage
Stitched on 32 count mystery cut of Down By the Sea Fabrics. 

A question for everyone....
i saw last year on some of the blogs a stitch along where each month a small kit was sent to each person involved with the supplies to complete the entire small project.  Does anyone know what this was... or if theyare doing again for 2015.. and if so where i can find the details out about it at?  
Thank you for helping. 
Keep crossing those stitches. 

A few charts for sale

These are the chart portion only of these kits.  They were used and stitched.  Dont even know how much to ask for them... please email me if u are interested and we can work it out.  Will need to collect for shipping for them also.  Please message me if u are interested.. they are only the chart portion of these kits.

Monday, January 5, 2015

A little bit of stitching...

I had a precedure done on my elbow the day after Christmas... oh my goodness... the dr warned of the pain involved.. but  i am still unable to straighten my arm.  I am trying to stitch some but it is going sooooo slow... and then that tendon heats up and not much gets done.  But i am trying.   I am out of work for a bit... to heal.  I see the dr on the 20 th to see if it is Ok to return to work.  I wish i could take a few months off.. i like being home and out os this nasty cold snowy weather. I will show you what i have been slowly working on.

On another note... a question for all of you who subscribe to the JCS mag... have you recieved you renewal yet?  I got mine today in the mail and was SHOCKED.  I am use to spending about $25 a year.. and at that price have had several issues that i have not exactly been happy with.  The renewal arrived today and 1 year.. 7 issues... $74.80.  This is crazy... and mite be time to go back to buying only the ones i want from my LNS.  I dont understand that price and can not justify spending this much on the subscription. Does anyone have any news on this... was this a mistake or a joke or something? 
Thank you for stopping in.. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Would anyone have a used copy of this chart for sale?

If you would have this chart to sell please message me with pricing.  I have wanted this chart for so long but have problems finding in USA at a price i can afford. 

Thank you all for looking for me.