Hello.... everyone! Life has been soooooo busy with the new job... Daughter starting her Senior year... dd old bf troubles... and new bf, and still wanting to be with the old bf and OMG! I am sooooooooo gladddddd I am not 18 years old again! WOW!
I will start out my post with a demo that I stitched for Terrie who ownes The Stitch Store. http://www.stitchstore.net/
This was Rosewood Manor's Lighthouse Biscornue... and WOW I do believe it is the Largest Birscornue that I have EVER stitched!

Here are some Flea Market Finds from our camping trip for July 4th weekend! we went to Rough River area and had a blast!

Love these little chickens... I have a 3 of the large ones and if they were not soooooo expensive I would have an entire kitchen full of them. I LOVE them!