Friday, January 24, 2014

Prayers needed please.

Please all pray for recovery... i have had the flu for over a week now. Was at our local ER last Friday and left feeling like i was on the mend.  I have a good day and then a very bad day.  I have been out of work for 7 days now... and feel so bad about that.  The fever is gone... i am no longer contageous... but i can not get rid of the cough and i have an ear that is stopped and soundsnlike there is water on it.   It is so frustrating.  I just want to feel better.   I tried to go into work yesterday and my co workers said i looked like pooooo.  And was barking like a dog.  I just dont think it is right to cough this hard for 2 weeks.  I go to the dr once again today to see what he can do to help me.  I have been on an antibiotic... and several courses of sterrhoids.  I have an inhailor... and cough syrup...  i am so tired of being sick.  Please pray foe healing for me and my family they have caught it too but are bouncing back much faster.
Thank you all... stay warm.


Rita said...

Get well prayers for all of you!

Shebafudge said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish! Prayers and good thoughts for a speedy recovery. xx

Heritage Hall said...

Just sent one up for you and yours
May you be lifted back up to good