Well maybe I am on a "Wish Granted" HIGH... But I am hoping that one of you girls will help me! I have wanted this chart since I have first seen it!
With Me being unemployed and the job market being what it is... I do not see this chart as something that I will be able to get any time soon, and maybe NEVER! The price is way out of my budget ball park even for a Christmas Gift. The DH and I have vowed not to buy for each other with the cash flow being low. We are focussing on the Kids and the family! There will be time when we are financially better to get things for each other!
I emailed Silver Needle since this chart is one of their exclusives to ask if they would be selling this as a chart only or Chart and beads together... to make it affordable and they stated that they were NOT and that I could hope to find the Chart for re-sale or to be gifted with it! They did suggest that I try to go in together with several friends and seperate out the supplies best we could and to pass this chart along to each other when finished. This would be near impossible to split up like that... and several of my stitch friends do not want to buy this for the simple reason that it has been made so un-affordable for all. So much effort to try to get it... and no one is interested.
So... Here is What I am asking you all... Would any of you have this chart ONLY not the kit... I could never touch the expense of this kit! If you are finished stitching this kit and are wanting to SELL the chart portion ... would you please email or post to this so I can get in touch with you! I really REALLY really like this chart... and it is so sick in the head to want something this bad ... It is SOoooooooooooo pricey!!! and I just can NOT afford this kit right now... but Could possibly afford the Chart. I will at a later date buy some fancy pins for the top!
Please help!
Look at all the cute little guys on this biscornue... I have thought of what all I could sell even to try to gather the money to get this kit... but it is a "WANT" and I promised myself I would focus on the "needs" for now!
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